
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A puppy of many names... Vincent, Vinnie, Vinnie Barbarino, Vince, The Vinster, Victor, Little Guy, Little Vinnie, Butthead, Crazy, Wild Child, Sweetheart...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wash grody rug. Check. Hang for 3 days to dry. Check. Vinnie runs around outside. Check. Refill V's water. Check. V drinks water. Check. V vomits on rug. Check.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reflection of love

Vinnie is such a sweetie. Most of the time when I am with him, I am super happy and affectionate and motherly. I love my puppy and just being around him makes me smile! He is such a delight and a joy.

But sometimes I am sad or concerned or worried, just depending on what is going on that day in my life. Today I was feeling a bit down, and it was like he could sense it. When we went for a couple of walks during the day, he listened to and followed every command I gave him. When we got back home, I was being very quiet and reading, and he decided to rest right in front of my feet. Such a sweetheart. I used my bare feet to pet him, and then later joined him on the floor. He started wagging his tail, and then gave me a big kiss, right on the face. He was being so sweet.

They say that dogs can sometimes feel earthquakes before people do, and also that they can sense other things that are imperceptible to humans. I love it that my dog can tell that I am not feeling on top, and that he helps me out by being such a perfect puppy on those days (other days, he is perfect too... but today he was like 110% perfect). I also feel that I must be giving him love, that that must be something I am doing well, for him to love me so much. I like the feeling that I am capable of showing so much love to another living being. Sometimes I wonder about that, and Vinnie reassures me by reflecting all of that love right back.