
Monday, April 25, 2011

I just told Vinnie he was being a big pain in the butt, & he looked behind him as if to say, "Who's she talking to?" So cute I gave him a treat.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He's probably fine. This is the same kid who eats my socks on a weekly basis.
Vinnie just found an abandoned ice cream bar in our parking lot. Happy Easter, Little Guy.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kissing Vinnie

I have a serious problem. I can't resist the urge to kiss Vincent Brotten's nose every time I see him. He's starting to get pissed.
Vinnie is a great listener. I know he's listening especially well when he starts chasing his tail in the middle of my sentence.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Of course while walking through the park, Vinnie would come across a whole loaf of bread, scattered across the ground. What could be more normal?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Petsitting a 15 year old cat, a 16 year old dog and a 17 month old puppy at the same time is comical at best.
Today I left Vinnie in the car for a few minutes. When I returned and started up the car, the radio was on full blast. What is up with this kid?
Vinnie is at large today, after giving me a black eye yesterday. It's my first black eye though, so I'm feeling pretty tough and cool :)
Vinnie has been awful today. Someone, please, come over and get him before I snap.