
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Interspecies interest

Ha! I'm petsitting and could hear Vincent moving around within the bedroom. I turned on the lamp and saw him staring intently at the hermit crabs, who were crawling around inside their cage. He's so interested in these guys.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

V loves (is intrigued by) questions. If I drop something & quickly ask, "Can I have that?" it distracts him enough so I can grab it before he pounces. E;cP
Powerful & emotional writing group tonight. Moonlight swim (except I don't know where the moon is tonight...). Puppy kisses. All good things today. :)
A friend referred to Vinnie's bed/kennel as "The Licker Cabinet." ?;cP

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just discovered Vinnie doesn't have patience for blackberry picking. He doesn't understand the concept of free food; it's all free to him. ?;cP

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ok, so this time I followed Vinnie THROUGH the blackberry bushes so I wouldn't lose him. Ouch.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Whenever Vinnie does anything mischievous, I scold him. But 99% of the time I secretly think what he did was ridiculously adorable. I'm so glad he can't read.
At my last dogsitting gig, a dog twice Vinnie's size was wagging his huge tail. It kept smacking Vinnie in the face. I couldn't help but laugh. So insensitive.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This morning a car pulled up next to Vinnie and me, music blaring. Vinnie looked at me as if to say, "Is that ok that they're doing that?" Noise police.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Vinnie and I are off to the dog park again today. I gave him a cell phone this time in case he gets lost.
I recently told a friend, "The good news is, if you get a chihuahua, socks will be too big for him to swallow." Oh, Vinnie.
The good news is, if you get a chihuahua, socks will be too big for him to swallow. I can't say the same for my dog.
Another proud parent moment: I watch in horror as Vinnie, briefly unleashed & totally wild, high-tails it across the lawn & through a neighbor's open door.
He was even giving his own order, whining to the speaker in the drive-up window.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you eat a free puppy cone from Dairy Queen in 2 gulps. Ooh, ice cream headache!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you eat a free puppy cone from Dairy Queen in 2 gulps.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Just had 10 scary mins where I couldn't find Vin at the park. When we saw each other, he ran over & gave me a big kiss. Because we live inside a Disney movie.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I need an emoticon for Vinnie... because apparently I'm turning into a crazy dog lady. Any ideas? I have lots of creative friends! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another fun game: When Vinnie yawns, blow a stream of air directly into his mouth. = Annoyance and disgust. This kid loves me. <3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I love how my dog has Facebook but some humans don't. But he needs help with the keyboard at times, & ALWAYS forgets his password.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Vinnie went swimming in the river today. Then a couple hours later, he peed for, uh, like a minute and a half. He drank half the river, apparently.
Today: Productive work day. Sunny. Dog park. Loving emails from 3 different friends! Ice cream. A friend got her dream job! Pretty clouds. #Grateful

Saturday, August 13, 2011

He was totally fine in the pen. He laid down & watched boats go by. He didn't bark (until grandma went for a swim). He's in the house now munching on an apple.
Vinnie and his grandma went for a nice long walk today around the lake. Then he went into the "pen" (kinda like jail) for a little rest. What a cutie.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Calm & relaxing day! Think I just needed a break from Vinnie. I love <3 that kid but it had been 4 months w/out a day's break from him. Whew!
Your dog is so funny. She wouldn't come inside from the front yard, so I rang the doorbell and she started barking and came running. :) Tricks.
Hmmm. I don't think Vinnie's gonna be much help with the local bear. Actually, based on his treatment of his teddy bear, maybe he will.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Another friend said, "I wouldnt trust him either Vinnie..."
Regarding the guy sneezing, a friend said, "Maybe the growling is more a commentary on the other guys manners? ;) good puppy."
Vinnie and I are in Bothell and a guy next to us just sneezed violently. Vinnie got scared and started growling. Funny pup.

Fun Game!

Fun game: Stand close to Vincent, looking slightly to the left or to the right of his face. Then call his name frantically like you have no idea where he is. He gets either a) seriously annoyed or b) seriously concerned (or both), and jumps on you to let you know where he is. Lots of puppy kisses are usually involved.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Outdoor cinema tonight! Except, where's the sun??! In other news, I hurt Vinnie's feelings by commenting on his Sharpie breath again.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Text from a friend: There is a guide dog puppy in the elevator that looks like Vinnie :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thank goodness I don't have homework. But I still rewarded him with a trip to the park. I'm a pushover.
Vinnie, I'm sick of your condescending looks & exasperated sighs. I may be ridiculous, but I'm not the one swallowing socks or growling at worms.