I like those audio crosswalk commands. A robot telling Vinnie to "Wait!" means I'm no longer the bad guy. He even looked up at the speaker box in surprise.
Monday, April 22, 2013
I like how Vinnie smiles at men on our walk. Like he thinks he's one of the guys, and would ask them for a cigarette if he had thumbs.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Vinnie sits in the driver seat when we run errands, and then quickly jumps in back when I return. But I always know because he makes the seat warm.
I love it when I say to Vinnie, "I love you," and he smiles. Makes me think he senses how much I love him. <3
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Vinnie and I walked by a frat house. He got all excited and almost followed a group of guys to their car. Wanted to party with them, I guess.
Ow. Vinnie just licked my eyeball.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Every time I say "Do you want some food?" Vinnie looks at me incredulously, like, "You're going to feed me today?!" Kid's never missed a meal in his life.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Reunited with Vinnie after 5 days. Hard to tell who is more excited. I love this guy.