Now we know what he does while I'm at work. Next it'll be online dating.
Ha! I'm getting spam email from "Vincent Brotten". Apparently, there's a great site he wants me to check out. And the email states, "Sent from my iPad."
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Vinnie snuck up on a big, scary... rock... tonight. Brave puppy. In his defence, it was the same color as a color that a rabbit could be. :/
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Walking around outside. Vinnie just stole and ate a chip from 20 ants who were all circling around it, about to carry it off. Bully.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Sigh. The newly renewed "No Vinnie on the bed" rule lasted all of about 20mns last night. He looked puzzled, I didn't wanna hurt his feelings, & that was that.