
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rad. Vinnie just ate a dead bug on command. I don't like to touch them. Man of the house.

Monday, January 30, 2012

When I tell Vinnie, "No! That's not yours!" I hope he doesn't hear me whisper, "You're so cute" right afterwards. #MixedMessages

Friday, January 27, 2012

Little Guy got kidnapped by his grandmother for a couple days. I miss him. As if I didn't live without him for the 1st 28 years of my life #Pathetic
Walking V & I slipped on the ice. As I fell, my hand brushed his tail. He got scared & growled, like someone had suddenly replaced me @ other end of his leash.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things that make me happy: Ice cream. Nature. Inspiring quotes and scripture. Compassion. God. Vinnie. Doing something kind. Laughter.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My dad & brother are here, putting in laminate flooring. I'm so grateful. <3 My sister & Vinnie are here for moral support. Grateful for that too.

Friday, January 20, 2012

"Give me back my sock!" "Can you PLEASE scoot over?" "That's not food, that's your teddy bear!" "Quit screwing around!" #ThingsHeard@MyHouse
About every 30 minutes I get the urge to tell Vinnie, "Quit screwing around! Let's go!" Teenage boys.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I fell down for an impromp snow angel, & Vinnie freaked out. He rushed over & hovered over me, kissing my face til I got up. At angel #3 he figured it out.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vinnie & I have had a nice snow day together. Long walks. I just suggested another walk to him, & he gave me the most fake yawn ever.
Vinnie & I are cleaning up the place, & he is bored spitless. But we also went for a walk & ate lots of snow. :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

WOW. This is why snow days are good only in moderation. Today on Facebook I posted 2 Vinnie status updates, 2 Vin videos, & 2 Vin photos. But he's so cute. :)
This kid thinks a snowball is the greatest thing on earth.
Vinnie was shocked and appalled when I grabbed a handful of snow and put it in my own mouth instead of tossing it to him.
Crap. Vinnie just knocked the head off my neighbor's snowman. I put it back, but it doesn't look quite the same...
Vinnie was trying to get the snowman to play with him this morning. I stopped him before he ripped his arms out of the snowman's body.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

You know how messages between dogs are usually invisible? Not so in the snow.
Everything is beautiful about fresh-fallen snow, until the dogs go outside.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Vinnie's strict & doesn't like any messing around. Our neighbor was talking in a funny voice, & Vin barked at him, letting him know that was unacceptable.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Awww. I love it when my mom takes Vinnie for a walk in the middle of the day, & I come home later to find she's brought me groceries. Thanks Mom. <3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh snap, there's a cute boxer here in the mall. All excited and stuff.
I wonder if Vinnie likes it when I grab his nose and plant a kiss firmly on it. xoxo
Vinnie heard my stomach grumble, and then looked around frantically, like, "What WAS that?!"
Ouch! Vin was so excited to go for a walk that he spun in a circle, hit his head on the wall, & yelped. I think I do that when I get overexcited.
Some days while at work, I really just want to go home and play with Vinnie.

Monday, January 9, 2012

After I vacuum, Vinnie always kisses me & seems so relieved... Like he's so glad I didn't get eaten by the vacuum &, once again, escaped with my life.
Just got home, and Vinnie keeps looking at me with this guilty expression on his face. Hmmm... Time to play the guessing game.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

On these long road trips to Canada, my right foot sometimes wishes Vinnie could take a turn and drive.
Getting Vinnie out of bed yesterday was like pulling teeth. And I depend on HIM to make sure I get out of bed.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Vin got a treat addressed to him in the mail today from his great-grandma. New rule: today he got mail like a regular person, tomorrow he starts paying rent.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Apparently, saying "Time to go... Let's go...Come on" & then bluffing with, "Ok, bye. I'm leaving," works on kids AND dogs. Or at least Vinnies.
Vinnie, I love cuddling with you, but you're taking up 75% of the bed.

Monday, January 2, 2012

I really wish Vinnie wouldn't look so predatory and creepy every time he sees a sock.
I just suggested "Nigel" as a name for my friend's future puppy. Vinnie was almost Hector or Konjo (Ethiopian word). Vinnie works well for him.
Yawns ARE contagious. I just yawned and Vinnie saw it, and yawned also.
Poor Vinnie. Stifles his yawns when he sees me watching him. I like to put things in his mouth when he yawns.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2 years ago today, I drove down to Auburn & picked up a shy, 2 month old puppy. Today this shy dog is Mafia Vinnie. Love you, Little Guy! <3